Sunday, October 19, 2008

Te Ahurea Tino Rangatiratanga 2008

Te Poho Tamaki were proud to compete at the Mangere based competition this year. They have worked really hard to prepare for this competition and a packed crowd gave them fantastic support.
Here are some photographs from the day...

Here is the video of the day...

Kapa Haka Group perform to the school assembly.

Assembly was an exciting one at Tamaki College on Friday. Te Poho O Tamaki, our Kapa Haka group performed their competition entry to the whole school.
They were fantastic and everybody loved them.
Good luck wishes were given for Saturday's competition.

Here are the photos...

Dress Rehearsal for Te Ahurea Tino Rangatiratanga 2008

Tamaki College Kapa Haka group have got a big competition this week and they had a fantastic dress rehearsal on Thursday night in the school auditorium.
They have been practicing for weeks, learning all new songs and moves and making all the uniform elements.
Here are some photos from the night...

Here is the video..

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Powhiri for the Mount Welington Lollypop Group

The Mount Wellington early childhood Lollypop group paid a visit to the Tamaki College marae this week. As part of their work they had to have a marae experience and our Kapa Haka group had great fun with them.
Here are some photographs of the day.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Kapa Haka performance in Parnell

The Tamaki College Kapa Haka group were invited to Parnell this week. An advertising agency wanted to welcome an important visitor from France with a traditional powhiri and the Tamaki College team were happy to do it.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Team Building in the Kapa Haka Group..

It's important to work as a team in the Kapa Haka group. Here they are doing a little team building by playing moon ball. It's good for their fitness too !!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Tamaki College Kapa Haka Group perform at St. Andrews Retirement Village.

Wednesday 27th August

Performance at St Andrews Retirement Village.

Tamaki College Kapa Haka Group Powhiri at the Viaduct.

This was a powhiri at the Viaduct for the retiring Captain and the last voyage of the ship.

Tamaki College Kapa Haka Group perform to the British Embassy Officials

Tuesday 26th August

Powhiri and Performance at Orakei Marae for the 2nd in charge of the British Embassy, along with Hip Hop Artist Rodney P and DJ Skitz.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Tamaki College Maori Department Matariki Celebration

The Kapa Haka group at Tamaki College went to the Ruapotaka Marae to join in the Matariki celebrations.